Thursday, November 29, 2007

Movie #7 - The Day After Tomorrow

The Day After Tomorrow is a Hollywood blockbuster that addresses a current topic of interest globally in a trivial way. Current issues that have plagued the globe in terms of climate change, pollution, resource use, etc. have been accelerated in this movie to show what life would be like after another ice age. Technology aside, it takes the work of one man - Dennis Quaid, to save the world.

This is very typical since there are thousands of scientists globally who have been saying this for years already... yet in one major swoop, one man knows that the doom of the world is eminent.

There are side plots to this movie with a cast that includes Jake Gyllenhal, Emmy Rossum, Sela Ward, and Ian Holm. Too bad none of them made any real difference in this movie. The majority of the side cast outside of these actors consisted of recognizable Tier 2 Canadian actors. This movie was obviously filmed in Hollywood North, made to look like New York city. Although CGI allows for this, casting Canadian actors in prominent roles like the VP of the U.S. made this movie more enjoyable as a Canadian movie fan.

Anyhow... this movie does have some cool scenes. The mass exodus of the seagulls and birds out of New York city was quite cool. Made a lot of sense knowing that the animals would've been the first to know that trouble is brewing in nature. I could've enjoyed this movie more without the CGI wolves attacking the cast in a marooned Russian ship. Scenes like this really didn't make a great deal of sense since they are escapees from the zoo and suddenly went rabid and crazy for not being fed for a couple of hours - doubtful.

There was some dramatic scenes and some areas in which people died unnecessarily. However, the major dramatic scene that I found quite comical was the cast trying to escape the looming cold front of death... something that just didn't seem right. Good product placement for Wendy's though... saved Quaid's life from this blast of cold air.

Anyhow... overall, this is just one of those Roland Emmerich movies that you can live without seeing... although all of his movies are in that category.

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