Monday, June 30, 2008

Movie #42 - Children of God: Lost and Found

"A first-person account of growing up in an evangelical Christian cult."

There is not much to say here apart from watch this movie. Coming from a Catholic upbringing, there is a great deal of stuff that my religion has done in recent years to give the whole practice a bad name. However, with regards to Christian cults, like the one portrayed in this documentary, there are a lot of problems being expressed with this first-person account.

I commend Writer/Director Noah Thomson's efforts in trying to capture all sides to this story. The personal hardships and tragedies experienced by the real life people in this film make a strong commentary towards the negative effects of strong religious beliefs and what damage and pain these extreme beliefs do in fact cause.

This documentary provides an insight into what cult religions are like for young people growing up with these types of beliefs imposed on them at an early age. The documentary also delves into how Thomson and his brothers are attempting to cope with their own personal battles after leaving the religion to start their own lives as adults.

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